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Facebook Now Allows You To Search For Images Using Its Content Keyword

Facebook is updating its search feature today with the help of its computer vision platform. Now, you can search for photos on Facebook using any keyword that describes the contents of the image.

For example, you can search for “pictures of pizza” or “orange shirt photos” and the results will highlight posts from your friends that match the description. Facebook will show these results higher in the grid, followed by other relevant images that you may be interested in. The image-recognition feature is similar to what you may be familiar with on iOS 10 or Google Photos.

For more subjective searches, Facebook appears to tie results with other context clues from the image, such as caption or comments. A search for “bad photos,” for example, yielded images from friends at the Women’s March a few weekends ago, in which a sign referring to “Bad Hombres” was visible. The results also showed another seemingly fine photo, but the image’s caption described the subjects as “unphotogenic.”

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